► Passion, Christy Nockels - Healing Is In Your Hands
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Healing Is In Your Hands


[chords]D D/C Hm7 A[/chords]
No mountain, no valley, no gain or loss we know
[chords] Em7 A[/chords]
could keep us from Your love.

[chords]D D/C Hm7 A[/chords]
No sickness, no secret, no chain is strong enough
[chords]Em7 A[/chords]
to keep us from Your love,
[chords]Em7 A[/chords]
to keep us from Your love.


[chords] D - A[/chords]
How high,
[chords]Hm7 - F#m[/chords]
How wide,
[chords] G2 D/F#[/chords]
No matter where I am,
[chords] F#m G2[/chords]
Healing is in Your hands

[chords]D - A[/chords]
How deep,
[chords]Hm7 - F#m[/chords]
How strong,
[chords]G D/F#[/chords]
Now by Your grace I stand,
[chords] F#m G2[/chords]
Healing is in Your hands


[chords]D D/C Hm7 A[/chords]
Our present, our future, our past is in Your hands
[chords] Em7 A[/chords]
We're covered by Your blood,
[chords]Em7 A[/chords]
We're covered by Your blood


[chords]D D/C[/chords]
In all things, we know that,
[chords]Hm7 A[/chords]
We are more than conquerors
[chords]Em7 A[/chords]
You keep us by Your love

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Категория: H, Разное | Добавил: VeD (28.01.2014)
Просмотров: 2040 | Теги: Christy Nockels, Healing Is In Your Hands, passion, аккорды | Рейтинг: 5.0/20
Исполнитель: Passion, Christy Nockels
Название песни: Healing Is In Your Hands
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