► Mark Harris - When We're Together
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When We're Together

Intro:[chords] G D G C[/chords] x2


[chords]C D[/chords]
I'd like to sail to lands afar
[chords]G C[/chords]
Out on a boat that's built for two
[chords]C D[/chords]
Beneath a canopy of stars
[chords]G C[/chords]
That would be just like a dream come true
[chords]C D[/chords]
Just to be with you


[chords]G D Em[/chords]
And oh, oh, oh, ohhh
When we're together
[chords]G D Em[/chords]
Oh, oh, oh, ohhh
Feels like forever

Worries seem to fade away
[chords]D Bm Em[/chords]
As they become as distant memories
When we're together

Verse 2
I'd like a castle on a hill
Where you and I could spend the day
And I'd love to go where time stands still
And all that doesn't matter fades away
You are here with me

Chorus 2

And oh, oh, oh, ohhh
When we're together
Oh, oh, oh, ohhh
Feels like forever

Worries seem to fade away
As they become as distant memories
When we're together


And I'd love to
Dance with you
[chords]Bm C[/chords]
Under the big blue sky
We'd hold the
Wonder of the moment
[chords]Bm C [/chords]
As the moment passes by

Repeat intro ([chords] G D G C[/chords] )

When we're together

Chorus 2x

And oh, oh, oh, ohhh
When we're together
Oh, oh, oh, ohhh
Oh, oh, oh, ohhh
Feels like forever

Oh, oh, oh, ohhh
Feels just like forever!!
Oh, oh, oh, ohhh
Yeah, whenever we're together
Oh, oh, oh, ohhh

When we're together

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Категория: Разное, W | Добавил: VeD (11.12.2012)
Просмотров: 4478 | Комментарии: 3 | Теги: When We're Together, Mark Harris, аккорды | Рейтинг: 5.0/14
Исполнитель: Mark Harris
Название песни: When We're Together
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Всего комментариев: 3
  0 Спам
3 Ялана   (09.08.2013 13:07) [Материал]
  0 Спам
2 anasteisha   (16.12.2012 11:28) [Материал]
а перевод есть у кого то
  +1 Спам
1 nasekmosek   (12.12.2012 13:52) [Материал]
Классная песенка! hands yes
Только смысл текста песни не совсем христианский...
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