► Todd Agnew - Grace Like Rain
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Grace Like Rain

[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
That saved a wretch like me
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
I once was lost but now I 'm found
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
Was bli nd but now I see so clearly

[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
Halleluj ah, grace like rain f alls down on me
[chords]Dm Bb F C Dm (intro)[/chords]
Hallelujah, all my stains are washed away, washed away

[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
'Twas grac e that taught m y heart to fear
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
And grace my fears re lieved
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
How preci ous did th at grace app ear
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
The hou r I firs t believed

[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
Halleluj ah, grace like rain f alls down on me
[chords]Dm Bb F C Dm[/chords]
Halleluja h, all my stains are washed away, washed away
[chords](Dm Bb) 4x
(Dm E5no3)(F G)(F G)(A G Bb )[/chords]

[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
When we've been there ten thousand years
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
Bright shi ning as t he sun
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
We've no l ess days to sing yo ur praise
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
Than when we've first b egun

[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
Halleluj ah, grace like rain f alls down on me
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
Halleluja h, all my stains are washed away
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
Halleluj ah, grace like rain f alls down on me
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
Halleluja h, all my stains are washed away

[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
[chords]Dm Bb F C[/chords]
Hallel ujah, all my stain s are washed away

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Категория: G, Разное | Добавил: VeD (09.06.2012)
Просмотров: 3008 | Комментарии: 1 | Теги: Amazing grace, Todd Agnew, Grace Like Rain, how sweet the, аккорды | Рейтинг: 5.0/17
Исполнитель: Todd Agnew
Название песни: Grace Like Rain
Другое название: Amazing grace, how sweet the
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1 Stroiteleva_diana   (14.10.2013 17:40) [Материал]
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